Thursday, June 9, 2011

my 32 week of pregnancy :)

The last 2 weeks have flown by, I hope the next 8 do the same! :) This past Monday we started our birthing class! I'm really glad we decided to do them, I learned so much and feel so much more prepared after only 1 week. We have 2 more Monday night classes. My first shower is this Sunday as well! I have no idea where everything is going to go in our little one bedroom apartment, but we will figure something out! Everything seems to be coming together and getting closer! There IS an end to this pregnancy :) I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts I guess, but I'm just so excited to see my baby boy!! How Big is the Baby at 32 Weeks Pregnant? Your baby continues to put on weight each week of your pregnancy. At 32 weeks your baby weighs 3.7 pounds and measures about 16.7 inches long.

Your Baby's Growth and Development By 32 weeks pregnant, your baby's fingernails have grown long enough that they reach the tip of his fingers. Some babies will have settled into their labor position - with head down, chin tucked into chest, and bottom up. Your baby may even be smiling. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is not uncommon for unborn babies to smile, sticking out their tongues, and even make faces.

At this stage of pregnancy, your baby's face is much more rounded and adorable!

1 comment:

  1. didy ! semoga sumanya bejalan ngan lancar ye , amin ..
