Tuesday, February 5, 2013

ukenide as one

''if everyone played the ukulele the world would be a more peaceful place' by jake shimabukuro

Well today when my 2 yr old son was playing my ukulele but had played and taken out my first uke 'Buzz'(cause I felt sorry it's been sitting for song long UN-played) a not very nice sounding Samick u-50 or something like that... anyhow my son is left handed and picked it up upside down and started fingering out some chords... then found "I walk the Line' In one of my easy to play uke song books.

Before you know it, he was picking the melody lines(upside down) as I was strumming along the chords... Then he started making jokes about being the Jimmy Hendrix of the ukulele.. funny for sure!

I have been playing for about 6 months and no one in my house ever expressed an interest.. It was fun, even if it was a simple song, nice that someone expressed an interest in what I am doing... maybe a uke bug catching on?

i was thinking to send Ralph to the uke claz in titiwangsa. 've found that he have an interest on music and dance so i make a decision to send him to the musaic class and dancing


hope he make me proud 1 day..

Just wanted to share a story!

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