Saturday, July 24, 2010

Heylo folks. Another session of my ngomelan. I'm working hard. So hard. And today I think I hit a brick wall. Metaphorically of course. Y'all know that point at which you've been trying you're absolute best for a while because you want something so bad. Because that thing you're working so hard for has taken over your entire existence. Because it means more than the whole wide tall long spherical globe world. And then you drop like it's hot. Exhausted. Fatigue's taking over. Suddenly everything is put into complete perspective. Sometimes I forgot the reason why I'm doing what I'm doing now. What my real goal in all of this is. I get so involved,throwing my whole self. Every cell included,literally. So far into it that I end up standing with my eyes inches from the canvas focusing on one insignificant minor brush stroke. Forgetting that right there in front of me is the most beautiful,powerful,mysterious,glorious,immeasurable,awesome (and not hot dog awesome) picture. And,yes. I'm exaggerating it. If only I could take a step or two back to see it. Life is so magical. It's so much bigger than ourselves and our goals in life. A fact I often forgot.

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